Governance and advisory
SNOMED International is a “Members-First” organization and our Members play a critical governance role in the direction of the organization. Each Member is entitled to be represented by an individual on the General Assembly, the organization's highest authority.
The Management Board has overall responsibility for the management and direction of SNOMED International. The Management Board, and each Director individually, has a duty to act in a manner which they reasonably believes is in the best interests of the Association. Though elected by the General Assembly, Management Board Directors do not represent their countries.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is SNOMED International's highest authority. The General Assembly ensures that the purpose, objects and principles of the Association are pursued and that the interests of the organization are safeguarded. The General Assembly makes binding decisions regarding all matters, including the organization's budget and strategy, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Articles.

Management Board
The Management Board has overall responsibility for the management and direction of SNOMED International. The Management Board, and each Director individually, has a duty to act in a manner which they reasonably believe is in the best interests of the organization and is consistent with the pursuit and the protection of our purpose, objects and principles.