First Databank UK Ltd.
Vendor Overview
FDB (First Databank) is the leading provider of drug and medical device knowledge that helps healthcare professionals make precise decisions. With thousands of customers worldwide and four decades of experience, FDB enables our developer partners to deliver actionable solutions that help improve patient safety, quality, and healthcare outcomes.
SNOMED CT-enabled solutions
FDB Multilex provides comprehensive, independent, medications information and is the UK’s most widely used drug database and e-prescribing decision support solution, deployed in over 10,000 sites. FDB Multilex supports safer e-prescribing and dispensing across a range of healthcare settings. Multilex uses SNOMED to support contraindication checking for prescribed drugs.
SNOMED is also used to allow users to navigate from a prescribed drug to a diagnosis for recording in an Electronic Health Record Product. Set links enabled by SNOMED are used for secondary care prescribing where most drugs are prescribed by VTM but not preparation strength or formulation, and also for Ingredient links for allergy recording.
FDB OptimiseRx is the leading medicines optimisation solution for primary care in the UK. FDB OptimiseRx combines evidence-based best practice, safety and cost-effective prescribing messages, and delivers them in real time at the point of care during the prescribing workflow. SNOMED is used in condition checking for OptimiseRx alternative product screening and for Condition Term authoring in OptimiseRx complex messages.
Across both solutions, SNOMED is used in value sets for the following:
Admin Method
Admin Site
Base Formulation
DXID (Diagnosis group)
Ingredient Product Set
Unit of measure
The main areas of SNOMED linked to include, but are not limited to:
Situation with explicit context
Clinical finding
Trade Family
Virtual therapeutic moiety
Morphological abnormality
Scope of services
Analytics, Chronic disease, Clinical documentation, Drug, EHR, EMR, Oncology, Pharmacy
Downloadable documents
Swallowtail House
Grenadier Road
Contact details
Ian Arrowsmith
Head of Clinical Content Operations
+44 (0) 1392 440 100
Regions where operational