SNOMED International is pleased to announce the release of the organization’s 2021 Annual Report. Titled A collaborative approach to deliver global interoperability, it reflects our efforts and achievements as we continue to work toward realizing our 2020-2025 Strategy. And while the report focuses on the breadth of SNOMED International’s 2021 activities, it also highlights the growing quantity and quality of our many collaborations and their contribution to SNOMED CT.
In addition to shining a spotlight on our strong global alliances, the 2021 Annual Report continues the narrative of the SNOMED CT Value Proposition, with the 2021 release of an interactive report on the Case for Investment in the clinical terminology. Detailing how SNOMED CT adds measurable value to a broad range of primary and secondary health processes, the Report showcases how leveraging SNOMED CT encoded data supports the realization of improved patient outcomes.
The 2021 Annual Report also outlines the steps taken toward more broadly and actively encouraging our community to participate in developing SNOMED CT. This includes the introduction of community content, a way of “democratizing terminology” by enabling stakeholders to contribute to, and participate in, the ongoing development, maintenance and improvement of SNOMED CT. A changed SNOMED CT delivery model, enabling Members and other users access to the most recent version of SNOMED CT on a monthly basis, a change from the previous twice annual schedule, is another notable milestone.
Further, in the area of innovation, the 2021 Annual Report demonstrates how enhancements to SNOMED CT and its supporting tools and resources continue to strengthen advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to the benefit of our stakeholders.
We are proud of all these very concrete achievements and are grateful to the contributions of our ever-expanding global community of practice in advancing the usefulness and pervasiveness of SNOMED CT.
Read more about SNOMED International’s 2021 achievements at