SNOMED International maintains and quality assures SNOMED CT on an ongoing basis, issuing releases of its International Edition at the end of January and July each year.
In cases where a global emergency persists and warrants action, for example SARS in 2013 and the current COVID-19 situation, SNOMED International has taken steps to issue an interim release of the SNOMED CT International Edition to serve a public good. With this release, clinicians, researchers and administrators globally are able to code, analyze and plan to address the Coronavirus effort with the most up to date terminology.
The March 2020 release contains relevant COVID-19 concepts including any applicable changes to descriptions. With this interim release, 24 records have been added, plus core concept descriptions added back in referencing March 2020. Full COVID-19 content available here.
SNOMED CT users have the choice to take this interim release package and import into their systems now, or follow their planned update in July 2020, which will also include all relevant content.
To learn more about this release, visit confluence to review the March 2020 SNOMED CT International Edition Release.
For more information, please contact