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WONCA & IHTSDO deliver collaborative products

30 Sept 2015

Bangkok, Thailand; Copenhagen, Denmark – 30 September 2015. The World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) and International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) are pleased to announce the release of the General Practitioner/ Family Practitioner Reasons for Encounter/ Health Issues (GP/FP) subset and the map from the GP/FP subset to the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2).

WONCA and IHTSDO signed an agreement to collaborate in 2009 to promote cooperation between the two organizations. The agreement contained a commitment to  map relevant content in SNOMED CT to the ICPC-2 for the benefit of users worldwide.

The GP/FP Subset and ICPC-2 map were developed between 2010 and 2013 by the International Family Practice/General Practice Special Interest Group (SIG), and the subsets were first released for review in April 2014. Changes to the structure of the subsets were made following feedback, and we are now pleased to announce that the SNOMED CT subset is being released along with the map to ICPC-2.  The GP/FP Subset and map to ICPC-2 will be updated with each release of the SNOMED CT International Release.

The GP/FP subset contains SNOMED CT concepts focused on reasons for encounter and health issues. This increases the usefulness of SNOMED CT for General Practitioners and Family Practitioners because it targets high usage concepts from electronic records. ICPC-2 is a classification designed for use in general/family practice around the world. ICPC-2 is developed and maintained by the WONCA International Classification Committee (WICC), representing members from almost 30 countries.

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