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Other stakeholders

Care providers, administrators, policy makers, knowledge producers and patients and citizens complete the
SNOMED CT stakeholder landscape.

Care providers

Care providers


SNOMED CT makes it easier for data to be portable from one system to another. Designed by clinicians for clinicians, it enables a unique partnership with technologies. SNOMED international partners with other standards development bodes to create and maintain products to support the implementation of SNOMED CT with other standards supporting interoperability.

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Health care administrators


SNOMED CT enables accurate and targeted access to relevant information, reducing costly duplications and errors.

It enhances audits of care delivery by enabling detailed analysis of clinical records by leveraging the structure of SNOMED CT.


Policy makers


SNOMED CT enables links between clinical records and existing clinical guidelines or protocols.

It supports the development of adequate evidence for use in the development of clinical guidelines.


Knowledge producers


SNOMED CT allows knowledge producers to effectively develop and maintain knowledge products by providing a standard way to encode and connect clinical information contained within patient charts, decision support tools and knowledge resources.
It provides a standard way to encode clinical criteria for reuse across a range of clinical, knowledge management and monitoring tools.


Patients and citizens


SNOMED CT decreases the need to repeat health history. The detail provided within SNOMED CT allows clinicians to accurately record the specific details relating to a patient across all information fields with an EHR. It plays an important part in medication reconciliation, the awareness of which is critical to patient knowledge.

Policy makers
Health care administrators
Knowledge producers


Our education program is designed to enable users to maximize their knowledge of SNOMED CT


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