Apelon, Inc.
Vendor Overview
Apelon is an international informatics company offering professional services and software for terminology creation, deployment, mapping and maintenance. As terminology creation gives way in the marketplace to terminology deployment, our focus is on helping enterprises use their terminologies and their homegrown or third-party software to improve health and health care delivery. We've been working with controlled vocabularies for more than 20 years, and our consulting team boasts two SNOMED Consultant Terminologists and a SNOMED Implementation Advisor.
SNOMED CT-enabled solutions
Every project we undertake at Apelon considers SNOMED CT! Apelon's open source DTS terminology server (http://apelondts.org) is used for terminology managements by governments, providers, pharmaceutical companies, EHR vendors and starving students for its easy-to-use interface and powerful APIs (Java, SOAP, FHIR).
Scope of services
Analytics, Chronic disease, Clinical coding, Clinical documentation, Diagnostic imaging, Drug, EHR, EMR, Lab, Middleware, Oncology, Order sets, Pharmacy, Telehealth
Downloadable documents
750 Main Street, Suite 1500
Hartford CT
Contact details
John S. Carter
Vice President, Sales and Services
+1 801 953 9815
Regions where operational
Africa, Asia, Europe, Global, North America, Oceania, South America